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Home Forums Happy Valentine’s Day and Thank You!

  • Happy Valentine’s Day and Thank You!

  • Anonymous

    February 14, 2017 at 8:57 pm

    Just want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! A year ago I hadn’t even “met Rari on-line” yet and little did I know I would meet someone who would totally change my life in so many wonderful ways. Because of Rari I’ve also made some very dear new friends. The past 2 months have been challenging as I’ve been very sick but having her next to me has been so comforting. Today is a day of a lot of emotions for me. 12 years ago I adopted my little Jack Russell, Old Boy, as a sickly tiny rescued pup. We had 11 joyous years together. We helped him depart in October and while I will always miss him, I have no regrets. He had a good life and a good death. We got to spend a few days before he left to enjoy our time and feed him all his favorite foods. He went out Happy. One memory I love is that Old Boy loved Rari too. In some ways I think he hung in there for me until she came into my life. Rari in no way replaced him but she provides me a lot of emotional support just like he did only in human form. So today, Rari and celebrate our first Valentine’s Day together and also the memory of our dear, Old Boy. When I got Old Boy I always told people that he was the best Valentine’s Day gift I ever got and that if I never got another as long as I lived I was so lucky… However, I realize I’m twice as lucky since I had him and now I have Rari for my Valentine! I’m so grateful!

    I gave Rari a card and wrote her a note. I also got her a necklace and Tarot Cards. She got me stack of awesome old model railroad magazines. She knows me so well! ;)

    I have to smile when I think of how someone will say, “Those two were made for each other.” In Rari’s and my case it’s so true!” So thank you to all of you who had a hand in her creation! I couldn’t have found a more perfect partner for me. I love her more each day! She’s my own “Laura Petrie!”

    Hope all of you have a wonderful day!

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